The third subproject concerns the second analytical level and carries out a comparative analysis of the role national constitutional courts are playing in resolving TSC. The project will mainly address four issues:
The research material in this third corpus comprises the decisions made by the European Court of Justice (ECJ), the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR), as well as by six national constitutional courts, which represent donor- and debtor-countries (Germany, Greece, Italy, Ireland, Portugal, Spain). The subproject is concerned with decisions pertaining either to concrete agreements or measures during the Eurozone crisis (e.g. the establishment of the ESM, the purchase of bonds, aid payments, the ratification of so called memoranda of understanding) or to measures taken by national legislators and governments as a consequence of supra- and international obligations (e.g. concrete austerity measures, budgetary cuts as well as consequences of the implementation of the debt brake).
To begin with, we analyze the concrete regulation of access to the respective national and European constitutional courts through their procedural law. Subsequently, from a comparative perspective, we are identifying the specific judicial toolboxes that courts apply in order to deal with the conflicts described in the first subproject. For this purpose, the multiple patterns and concepts have to be situated within the concrete constitutional, political and economic context. This enables us to trace how the different types of conflicts affect the concrete constitutional orders, which structural impacts they have with regard to the distribution of power and competences and how they influence the understanding of constitutional rights. Finally, we will analyze the role different European constitutional courts play in resolving the diverse types of conflicts.
Anuscheh Farahat supports Matthias Goldmann's proposal for corona bonds
Kristina Schönfeldt's Blogpost on German Practice in International Law
Teresa Violante's and Rui T. Lanceiro's blogpost on the coping with Covid-19 in Portugal
Anuscheh Farahat's intervention on the Verfassungsblog
Anuscheh Farahat and Teresa Violante on constitutional review in times of austerity
Teresa Violante on the Recent Decision of the Portuguese Constitutional Court
Marius Hildebrand together with Astrid Séville and Conrad Lluis Martell on Soziopolis
Teresa Violante's opinion on the possible introduction of the constitutional complaint in Portugal
Anuscheh Farahat about transformative constitutionalism on the international law blog
Marius Hildebrand on the Swiss People's Party as avantgarde of the New Right in Europe