Dr. Marius Hildebrand is a postdoctoral fellow at the Faculty of Political Science at the University of Erfurt. Previously, he was a research associate in the research group "Transnational Solidarity Conflicts" at the Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg. Marius Hildebrand studied political science, Romance studies, and geography in Dresden, Granada, and Freiburg and received his PhD in sociology from the University of Hamburg in 2016 with a hegemony-theoretical thesis on Euroscepticism and right-wing populism in Switzerland. Subsequently, he was a visiting scholar at the Collaborative Research Center 138 "Dynamics of Security. Forms of securitization in historical perspective" at both the Universities of Marburg and Giessen. His research interests are: General Sociology, Political Theory, theories of democracy, conflict and discourse analysis. Based on the research project, his habilitation deals with the perception of constitutional courts as well as with the symbolic dimension of constitution in the context of the European economic and financial crisis.
Contact: marius.hildebrand[@]fau.de
Selected Publications:
Politisierung des Wissens. Gesellschaftliche Grundlagen und politische Folgen von Wissenskonflikten in polarisierten Welten. Eine Einführung, in: DGS (Hg.) Verhandlungsband des 41. Kongresses der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie, 2023 (with Sebastian Büttner und Thomas Laux).
Unravelling the Politicisation-Depoliticisation Nexus of Decontestatory Politics During the Euro-Crisis, in Farahat, Anuscheh und Arzoz, Xabier (Hrsg.): Contesting Austerity. A Socio-Legal Inquiry, 2021, Oxford: Hart, S. 56-78.
Demokratie für Deutschland, Austerität für Europa? Grenzen der Solidarität im der Rechtsprechung des Bundesverfassungsgerichts, in WSI-Mitteilungen, 05/2020, S. 368-367 (with Anuscheh Farahat).
Anuscheh Farahat supports Matthias Goldmann's proposal for corona bonds
Kristina Schönfeldt's Blogpost on German Practice in International Law
Teresa Violante's and Rui T. Lanceiro's blogpost on the coping with Covid-19 in Portugal
Anuscheh Farahat's intervention on the Verfassungsblog
Anuscheh Farahat and Teresa Violante on constitutional review in times of austerity
Teresa Violante on the Recent Decision of the Portuguese Constitutional Court
Marius Hildebrand together with Astrid Séville and Conrad Lluis Martell on Soziopolis
Teresa Violante's opinion on the possible introduction of the constitutional complaint in Portugal
Anuscheh Farahat about transformative constitutionalism on the international law blog
Marius Hildebrand on the Swiss People's Party as avantgarde of the New Right in Europe